Woman offers money to someone who can remove spider from her home

Woman offers money to someone who can remove spider from her home

Spider Removing Offer: Spiders are one of the most disliked creatures on earth. Nobody likes them. Neither does anyone like their presence in the house and if they bite someone even by mistake, they have to suffer terrible pain. Especially on seeing some big spiders, people scream and they start looking for ways to drive them away.

Something similar happened with a woman who has Arachnophobia, that is, she is extremely afraid of spiders. Although such people are cured by giving them exposure among spiders and by giving them therapy through pictures and videos, but such therapies also have a delayed effect on some people. The woman’s case was also similar, so when a big spider came to her house, she found a different way to remove it.

chase spider earn money
According to the report of Daily Mail, this has happened with a British woman living in Australia. He has given strange offers to people on social media. The woman’s offer is that she is ready to spend money in exchange for driving the spider out of the house. She has written in her post that a big spider is crawling in her house, due to which she is very scared. In such a situation, she wants to remove the spider, but due to fear, she herself is not able to do this work. The appeal of the woman is that someone should remove this spider from her house and she will give him 50 dollars i.e. 4 thousand rupees in return.

Told the problem by calling the police
The woman has also asked in her post that anyone is an expert in catching spiders? Whoever does this, she will give him money as a reward. However, people did not pay much attention to the woman’s post and no one came to her aid. Distressed in such a situation, he has sought help from the police. The scared woman called the police, but she could not get any immediate help from here too.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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